Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is appointed by shareholders and the highest level of executives and managing body of GL Finance. As of now, the number and detail of directorship of each director of GL Finance are as follows:

  1. Mr. Muneo TASHIRO, Chairperson of Board of Directors
  2. Mr. Fumio KYUMA, Independent Director
  3. Mr. Riki ISHIGAMI, Director and Chief Executive Officer
  4. Mr. Yusuke KOZUMA, Director and Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Management Teams


Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Yusuke KOZUMA

Deputy Chief Executive Officer

Head of Departments

Mr. Daim Ratanak

Chief Internal Audit Officer

Mr. Chak Than

Operation and Dealer Relationship Manager

Mr. Vat Meas

Collection Manager

Mr. Sao Rithysey

Back Office Manager

Mr. Thoeun Buntha

Underwriting Supervisor

Mrs. Touch Pisey

Accounting and Finance Manager

Ms.Cheng Samban

Admin Supervisor

Mr. Kert Hiang

Legal & Compliance manager

Ms. Troeung Sreypov

Human Resource Supervisor